This is an awesome clicker! I have the Vlogger Go Viral one too! Also great! 5 STARZ
This is an awesome clicker! I have the Vlogger Go Viral one too! Also great! 5 STARZ
I think it would be cooler if us players could actually see what is going on and there should be a page to look at all of the comments that are on the top of the screen
I Im obsessed with this app!! My brother thinks it the best game yet.there are not many advertisements ether. I love the party supplies.
Very Awesome... Really good clicker game
Its an awesome game, I love to play it all the time! Is a great way to pass time, however when you reach higher levels and higher amounts of people, its hard to get all the upgrades for your party, because it takes much longer to get more people. I also dont see a reason for having the time travel ability. You just start over and dont really get anything out of it. But its a really good game overall!
I LOVE THIS GAME!!! This is so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really a great game, constructed well, very fun to play and music really keeps you interested in continuing. Great for passing time.
No words can explain how great this game is
Possibly the best game I have ever played
Its good game wild meme party
I love the game! When you play the game some surprises come in! Dogs,cats,demons,aliens,people in costumes! Im very surprised about this!
If you guys made an account option to log in and see my friends houses I would probably download all the boo games, because I always had glitches and had to delete those but lost my progress
Even though it is a random game, but I really love this game because it really passes time!
The best game ever it is amazing but if you could join friends then it would be even better
I used the time machine and it brought me to where you first started. I have no way back and now I miss my old house. DO NOT USE THE TIME MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So much fun cant stop playing
this game is sooo addicting I cant stop playing is pretty unrealistic but its very cool and has a great art style
You tap a lot. You get upgrades and progress quickly at getting more guests in thru items in the shop. Great time distraction. Its clean for kids.
I love this app! I love all the upgrades u can buy! But......... Theres no x out button on the adds so i never get to play. And you should be allowed to see inside the house your building